Coach said that in the summer there would not be a lot of work for me to do, but I stayed as a summer resident assistant so that I would be around in case anything came up.  I talked a little bit over the summer, but not much.  Closer to the end of summer I stopped in every Monday to see if she had a task for me to do.  Usually she did have something small.  Once it was to make a spreadsheet of the roster. Another time I had to e-mail all of the roster and get their schedules so that Coach could confirm that the practice times she wanted would work for everyone.  Also in that time we had a talk about communication.  I had just gotten a new phone and when she texted me and I had not yet put in her number, Coach was shocked.  It was not that I had not put in her number yet but that I had neglected to tell her that I received a new phone.  Coach talked to me about how I need to communicate more with her; the only time we talked was when I came in for meetings and there was a two week period where she did not text me first just to see if I would contact her and I did not.  That is when I realized how important it was for me connect with Coach even in the small ways.  I kept it up for a the end of July into August, but when I started resident life training as well as marching band at the same time, contacting Coach was not on my mind.  This was to be the start of my downward spiral.

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