After that first day I was so excited to see what techniques Coach was going to teach them and how they could improve; however, she asked me where my computer was and it was in my room because I did not know that I needed to bring it.  Coach seemed very upset that I did not know that I needed to bring my computer and told me that she then had nothing for me to do.  Coach said that she wanted me to look up hotels for away meets, but I obviously could not do that.  I tried to make it up by saying I can use the internet on my phone, but even when I did, it was not as good as if I had brought my computer.  Sidenote:  I absolutely despise carrying my computer around.  It is too big to fit into my bookbag, it has a bad charging port, and I do not get back to my room until about 9PM so it would be with me literally all day.  For a few days after, I would text Coach and see if I needed to bring my computer.  When all she said was yes I decided to just stop asking and bring it regardless.  Every so often she will want me to do something that needs a password that is saved to Coach’s computer so she will bring hers and I can leave mine in my room, but even then I would still bring mine on the off-chance Coach either forgot and/or decided to stop bringing hers to practice

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